Documentation: What are section types in themes(Pro themes)

Section TypesIn our pro themes sections, in Appearamce=> Customiuze=> Sortable Sections, you can select section types where you can select which type of page or post or product you can use to showcase the items in section.

You can Select following different following different types of Section Types.

Section Types

  1. Post: You can select any post in individually
  2.  Page: You can select any page in individually
  3. Category: Same as posts, but you can select post category here instead of individual posts. This is useful when you want to set a category and add posts in the category, the section will update itself with new posts added to the category.
  4. Category: Same as category but with post tags.
  5. Products: Same as Post but with WooCommerce Products. You will need to install WooCommerce Plugin.
  6.  Product Category: Same as Post Category but with but WooCommerce Products. You will need to install WooCommerce Plugin.
  7. Product Tags: Same as Post Tags but with but WooCommerce Products. You will need to install WooCommerce Plugin.
  8. Custom: You can add custom title, content links,etc in this section.

If you want more help with sections, you can add a support ticket for more info.